

I found this course in safeguarding very informative and helpful, especially because of the fact that it is very pertinent to my profession as a teacher. This course has taught us that we need to be vigilant and take note of different signs of abuse minors may display. Different forms of abuse can have a devastating effect on the behaviour of the child and can make the minor feel helpless and misunderstood. Therefore, as professionals, we must not be quick to judge and must be willing to listen to the person. This course has taught us that there are different risk and protective factors with regards to abuse and it should be our role to minimize the risk factors as much as possible in order to prevent abuse from taking place. In this course, we also learned about the definitions of abuse and the prevalence of abuse in different institutions, including one's household. This course is a step in the right direction when it comes to creating a culture of safeguarding within the community.
Rens Galea


The course was very informative. Each lecture was greatly presented by the use of power point presentations, videos and role play opportunities. A wonderfully practical course both personally and professionally. I recommend this course to parents and persons who work or take care of children in order to safeguard their wellbeing.
Esther Galea


Fr. Farrugia's know-how and expertise in this area, instilled in me knowledge that strengthened my awareness about different kinds of maltreatment amongst minors. Now that I am informed about the risks, signs and indicators, and recommendations, I am in a better position to safeguard minors.
Elaine Zammit Haber


This course covered a wide range of potential abuses concerning children and how to spot certain behaviours. It was very well presented and easy to follow. I would highly recommend everyone dealing with children and young adults to take this training.
Edith Camilleri, Asst. Cub Scout Leader, Victoria Scout Group


As a Scout Leader for 20 years and as a parent of young children, this course focusing on the safeguarding of minors has opened my eyes to situations and instances which would not have registered as potential risks before. The course provides both the tools to create an environment that is safe and appropriate to minors but also the tools to be able to spot certain red flags and how to take the appropriate action.
David Grech, Scout Leader, Victoria Scout Group


Never thought that I would learn so much and that I was so ignorant on the subject. It will definitely help us Scout leaders in safeguarding the minors entrusted to us.
Jean Pierre Scerri, Assistant Scout Leader, Victoria Scout Group


I strongly believe in the continuous professional development of Leaders. The Safeguarding of Minors course informs participants on how to provide a safer environment for young people. The programme is extremely informative and insightful. It raises one’s level of understanding of human behaviours and challenges participants to rethink certain practices. Moreover, by presenting real life scenarios, and demonstrating how one is to tackle different situations, it makes the learning experience very meaningful. Seven leaders from the Victoria Scout Group participated in this training programme. This goes to demonstrate our commitment towards the well-being of our young members. Undoubtedly, I believe that this programme is one that all persons working with young people are to follow. In so doing, organisations can have clear safeguarding policies and indeed together we can work for a safer environment for our minors.
Jesmond Scerri, Group Scout Leader, Victoria Scout Group


The safeguarding of minors course has been such a great learning experience. Fr Joseph Farrugia is a truly dedicated lecturer. His lessons were always clear, concise, engaging, motivating and well presented. I strongly recommend this course as I believe that the more the awareness, formation and education on this specific topic the more we can prevent sexual abuse on minors from happening.
Margaret Curmi