Safeguarding of Minors

Course Description

The course aims to provide participants with general knowledge in the area of child protection. An interdisciplinary approach, considering psychological, theological, legislative disciplines, will facilitate participants to understand the problem of Child Abuse in general and particularly Child Sexual Abuse from different perspectives and be able to offer the protection that minors deserve.



Course Objectives

Participants will be able to:

    • Recognize possible signs of abuse and appropriate intervention
    • Analyze and implement protective factors in one’s own environment and reduce risk factors.
    • Handle appropriately any disclosure of abuse.
    • Make appropriate referrals to other professionals.
    • Follow national and ecclesiastical safeguarding guidelines
    • Implement prevention programs.



    Target Group

    The course will be offered for all people who are interested in the wellbeing of children and in particular, it will be offered to persons that work with children in educational and pastoral settings.



    Course Level

    MQF Level: 4



    Course Credits

    ECTS 4



    Title of Qualification

    VET Award in Safeguarding of Minors




    Fr Joseph Farrugia



    Other Course Material